Google Adwords Becomes Google Ads and Brings 4 New Features Onboard
1 September 2018 Dhruthi PonugupatiEvery digital marketer knows Google Adwords like the back of the palm. This upgrade is like a newsflash to every individual who is either a client or an executive of internet marketing. Every business, be it small or big, whether they are using a digital platform for e-commerce or brand management, has taken this new development as a very big news.
What is the hype actually about? – It’s not anything revolutionary! Google is known to come up with new features often, to accommodate better opportunities in digital space. However, this time Google has taken the machine learning and automation setup to an elevation like never before.
The initial change – the logo and name change – of Google Adwords to Google Ads itself has grabbed the attention. This change specifically symbolizes that now, it’s not about paid ads anymore. For everything that is required to run ad campaigns and to generate better potential leads, Google Ads is the solution.
Responsive Search Ads:
In the current scenario, we usually post the best ads with the right keywords and best creativity. And once done, we wait for it to show results. With experience and skills, digital marketers who are in this field can approximate on the performance result of an ad. However, in this new feature, an automated machine intelligence will choose the best ads as per the keyword, device, and previous browsing history performance. It gives you an opportunity to come up with 15 different headlines and 4 best creative descriptions, among which via the artificial intelligence system, 3
best headlines and 2 best descriptions are narrowed down. In a digital era where even a slight change in strategy brings about a massive performance effect, such an optimization feature is bound to be impactful.
Lead Ads on YouTube:
Let’s say, this was an anticipated feature by most digital entrepreneurs. Analytics support the fact that the content conveyed in the form of a video even if it is a simple whiteboard video representation, has a better impact than a conventionally written article. Hence among the various social media, YouTube was equally exploited in terms of developing brand recognition, content marketing and establishing an online presence through videos. By replicating the idea of Facebook ads or Google ads on YouTube, this is bound to generate massive quality leads. Or so
is believed.
Smart Campaigns:
Not every brand hires a best digital marketing agency to handle their branding and internet marketing. A lot of them do the basic stuff on their own. Smart Campaigns is this new feature that aids all the short league players to have a go at the big game. With comprehensive strategies for digital marketing generated by the machine learning process, every small business gets to generate leads on a titanic scale.
However, for proper digital marketing agencies that do the marketing strategically on a much larger scale, this feature becomes the basis for scalability. The best way to utilize this feature by a strategist is to take the smart campaign and build it into a customized channel to drive traffic and leads. Also, they can utilize the same feature to identify these potential small businesses and propose a better-strategized plan that can help them convert into a long-term client. Because, at the end of the day, human interference is more effective than artificial intelligence.
Smart Shopping:
For the e-commerce sites, Google Adwords has never panned out that well unless for the top providers like Amazon, Flipkart, and Snapdeal. For other business it has been a challenge to stay on top or even show up on the first page of search results, making the Google Adwords a tricky and low-scope opportunity for them. With this smart shopping feature, a lot of gates opened with flooding opportunities to drive massive traffic to these sites. The Artificial intelligence and machine learning is yet to prove itself in making this feature work.
While the many executives are thrilled to use these features, a lot of them are also skeptical about how well they are going to work. In the end, it’s going to take a lot of ‘trial and error’ and ‘experimentation’ to find out how these features will actually give results. You have to try and experience it for yourself to know.